If an alloy is 5.25% copper, convert 5.25% to decimal as .0525. Multiply .0525 by 200 to yield 10.5 pounds.
convert 5 and 1/4 to percent by; first, change fraction to decimal 5 1/4= 5.25 then 5.25/100= 0.0525% so get .0525% of $300 by $300 x .0525 = $15.75 lastly add $15.75 + $300=$315.75
The phone number of the Pioneer Village is: 978-745-0525.
The phone number of the Woodlawn Nature Center is: 574-264-0525.
The phone number of the Norwalk Historical Society is: 203-846-0525.
The phone number of the Mark Twain Museum is: 775-847-0525.
The phone number of the Little Tokyo Branch Library is: 213-612-0525.
The phone number of the Na Aina Kai Gardens is: 808-828-0525.
The phone number of the Eastern Lancaster County Lib is: 717-354-0525.
The phone number of the Rice Nw. Museum Of Rocks And Minerals is: 503-690-0525.
.0525 LBS
The address of the Malin Branch Library is: 2307 Front St, Malin, 97632 0525