71 and 7/10 = 71.7 as a decimal number
If the decimal number can be expressed as a fraction (with one whole number over another), then it is a rational decimal number. So 7/5 is a rational number, and remains as such even if expressed in decimal form (of 1.4).
One hundred and one million = 101 000 000. So there are 7 zeros.
22 divided by 7 and you get the answer.
The number 7 can be written as 7.00 in hundredths decimal form.
The digit 7 in the number 789456321 represents the number of hundred millions. In the place value system, each digit's position indicates its value relative to the decimal point. The digit 7 is in the hundred millions place, meaning it represents 700,000,000 in this number.
Expressed as a mixed number, six hundred plus seven hundred-thousandths is equal to 600 7/100000. Expressed as a decimal number, this is equal to 6.00007.
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 7 700/12000 is equal to 7 7/120 or seven and seven one hundred and twentieths. Expressed as a decimal fraction, this is equal to 7.0583 recurring (that is, 7.0583333...)
71 and 7/10 = 71.7 as a decimal number
If the decimal number can be expressed as a fraction (with one whole number over another), then it is a rational decimal number. So 7/5 is a rational number, and remains as such even if expressed in decimal form (of 1.4).
To write one hundred seventy five millionths as a decimal, you must place the decimal point six places to the left of the last digit. This is because millionths represent the millionth part of a whole. Therefore, one hundred seventy five millionths is written as 0.000175 in decimal form.
unless the number is a decimal, the number in the one's place is always the last digit. if you are using a decimal number, the one's place is the last number before the decimal. ex: 5,307 the one's place is 7 546.9 the one's place is 6
Of course. 7 is a decimal number.
One hundred and one million = 101 000 000. So there are 7 zeros.
22 divided by 7 and you get the answer.