41 is a perfectly good decimal representation for the number.
9 41/50 = 9.82
41/1000 as a decimal is 0.041
41 percent = 0.41 in decimal or 41/100 in fraction
41 is a perfectly good decimal representation for the number.
No. 41 percent isn't a whole number, therefore it can't have numbers before the decimal point. 41% is equal to 0.41.
As a decimal, the whole number forty-one can be expressed as 41.00 If the qestion seeks a percentage of the whole number one, 41 percent of the number one can be expressed as .41.
41 in decimal is 0100 0001 in BCD (this is 8 bits not 6 bits)41 in decimal is 101001 in binary (this is 6 bits, but binary not BCD)There is no 6 bit BCD representation of the decimal number 41!
Hex(41) = 4*161+1 = 64+1 = 65
9 41/50 = 9.82
41 and 494/1000
Decimal ( 41 ) = binary ( 1 0 1 0 0 1 )
Take your percent, 41% and move the decimal two places, right to turn it into a "whole number". Your answer is 0.41
It's a prime number because if you divide it by any number (other than itself or the number 1), you will not get a whole number as an answer. Try it! 41/2 = 20.5, 41/3 = 13.6667 41/4 = 10.25 ... 41/20 = 2.05 None of the answers are whole numbers (ie. they have numbers after the decimal point), so 41 is a prime number.
41/1000 as a decimal is 0.041
Well, honey, to change 41 percent into a fraction, you simply put it over 100 and simplify if possible. So, 41 percent is 41/100 as a fraction. And to turn it into a decimal, just divide 41 by 100, which gives you 0.41. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!