A prime is a whole number divisible by itself and 1, and no other whole number.
A no: which cannot be divided by any no: other than 1 and the no itself is a prime no
It depends on how you define prime
If you can only make one rectangle, your number's prime. If you can make more than one, it's composite.
Take your pick! Which one do you want it to be? 75: It is the only number that is the product of three (an odd number of) prime factors. 360: It is the only number with three different prime factors. 100: It is the only number that is the product of two pairs of two prime factors. 25: It is the only number that is a square of a prime. 51: It is the only semi-prime. 4000: It is the only number that is a product of 8 prime factors. So, given these unique characteristics, it is always possible to define a set in such a way that the stated characteristic makes that number the "odd one out".
7 is a prime number!
Mathematicians define a prime number as one with exactly two factors. 1 does not qualify.
A product of Prime number,perhaps with some repetition, resulting in the desired amount
A no: which cannot be divided by any no: other than 1 and the no itself is a prime no
A prime number is a number in the set of positive integers such that it is only divisible by 2 unique numbers: itself, and 1. For this reason the first prime number is 2, not 1.
It depends on how you define prime
I define prime factorization as "expressing a given number as the product of its prime factors." I don't know how to make it easier than that.
You need to think about what you are asking-- your question is not well-defined. What set is "the set"? Define "the set" and you may get an answer.
If you can make more than one rectangle, it's a composite number. If you can only make one, it's prime.
If you can only make one rectangle, your number's prime. If you can make more than one, it's composite.
define prime meridian
Just one number cannot define a pattern.Just one number cannot define a pattern.Just one number cannot define a pattern.Just one number cannot define a pattern.
Take your pick! Which one do you want it to be? 75: It is the only number that is the product of three (an odd number of) prime factors. 360: It is the only number with three different prime factors. 100: It is the only number that is the product of two pairs of two prime factors. 25: It is the only number that is a square of a prime. 51: It is the only semi-prime. 4000: It is the only number that is a product of 8 prime factors. So, given these unique characteristics, it is always possible to define a set in such a way that the stated characteristic makes that number the "odd one out".