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Daft question really! Should be what is the density of cement. Does the question mean cement ( dry powder), wet concrete, set concrete or what?

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Q: What is density of one cubic meter of cement?
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How many kilogram cement in one cubic meter?

It depends on the density of the cement. You wont get an accurate answer without the details.

How many bags of cement in one cubic meter?

It would depend on how big the bag of cement is. 1 foot bags will be more in the cubic meter than 2 feet.

How much does one cubic meter of cement weigh?

400kg or there abouts

How many number of cement needed to get one cubic meter of concrete?


What doesn't belong meter square meter cubic meter kilogram per cubic meter?

Kilogram per cubic meter is the one that doesn't belong. Square meter is meter^2 and cubic meter is meter^3 but kilogram per cubic meter is a density

How many kilogram cement in one cubic mt?

Density value is missing!!!!!!

How many cubic meters in a heavy ton?

It depends on the density of that heavy ton.For example if the density is 100 ton per meter cube, then one tone will have 0.01 cubic meter.

What is the number of bags of cement required for 1 cubic meter of M25 grade cement?

For M25 grade concrete, the mix proportion is typically 1:1:2 (cement:sand:aggregate). This means for 1 cubic meter of concrete, you would need 1/4 cubic meter of cement. As 1 cubic meter is equivalent to 35.32 cubic feet, and one bag of cement usually covers around 0.035 cubic meters, you would need approximately 7-8 bags of cement for 1 cubic meter of M25 grade concrete.

How you can convert one ton of marble to one cubic meter?

To convert one ton of marble to one cubic meter, you need to know the density of the marble. The density of marble varies, but it is typically around 2.5 to 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter. You can use this density value to calculate the volume in cubic meters that one ton of marble would occupy.

How much does one cubic meter of waste weigh?

Mass of a substance can be determined by its density and volume. The equation for mass (M) is density (D) divided by volume (V) or conversely D = MV. In this example the volume is 1 cubic meter (1m^3). Paper density is dependent on its type. Once density is known the weight of one cubic meter can be determined.

How much cement needed to mix one cubic meter concrete?

4 bags of 50 kg each= 200 kg of cement.

Which has a greater density .33 cubic meter of snow or .67 cubic meter of air or .625 cubic meter of a book or .375 cubic meter of feathers packed tightly or .125 cubic meter of lead?

The lead is more dense. Just so you know the volumes listed before each material are irrelevant - each one theoretically has a constant density no matter how much of it there is.