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Data gathering in two different samples such that there is matching of the first sample data drawn and a corresponding data value in the second sample.

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Q: What is dependent sample?
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What is not dependent on the size of a sample?

In general the mean of a truly random sample is not dependent on the size of a sample. By inference, then, so is the variance and the standard deviation.

When are two samples dependent?

Two random samples are dependent if each data value in one sample can be paired with a corresponding data value in the other sample.

When are two random samples dependent?

Two random samples are dependent if each data value in one sample can be paired with a corresponding data value in the other sample.

What is an dependent value?

there is a matching of the first sample data drawn and a corresponding data value in the second sample data.

Why hardness is a intensive?

Because the hardness is not dependent to the size of a material sample.

Can characteristic properties will change if you have a different amount of a sample.?

This depends for intensive (not dependent of mass) and extensive (dependent of mass) properties.

What is significant and not significant number?

What is significant and insignificant of a numerical statistic is dependent on the sample/population ratio.

What is the independent and dependent event for pulling two marbles out of a bag?

The first marble is the independent event because its probability is only based on the sample space of the bag. The second marble is the dependent event because its probability is based on the sample space of the bag which has now been changed by the first marble.

Why does density remain the same regardless of sample size unlike mass or volume?

Density is an intensive property - not dependent on the mass.

You are asked to culture an unidentified sample of animal tissue you notice that cells seem to fail to exhibit density-dependent inhibition the source of this tissue sample is most likely?

The tissue sample is most likely cancerous. Cancer cells often lose the ability to exhibit density-dependent inhibition, which is a characteristic feature of normal cells that regulate their growth based on the availability of space. Loss of density-dependent inhibition is a hallmark of cancer cells, allowing them to continue dividing uncontrollably without regard to surrounding cells.

How do you fill Dependent Pass Application Form for Singapore Any filled sample form will do the work?

Hi ...Can you please help me with a dummy applications form for dependent pass as i need to fill the same & dont want to make any errors.. Thanks......

What is Dependent Sampling method?

Data gathered in two different samples in such a way that there is a matching of the first sample data drawn and a corresponding data value in the second sample data. For example, compare two sample means, one for the first exam of the semester and the second for the second exam of the semester, match via the student taking each test.