

What is descriptive studies?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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16y ago

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It is a study method used to better understand a market by studying attitudes of consumers, market potential for products, Demographics, marketing problems, and other marketing situations.

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Q: What is descriptive studies?
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Types of descriptive studies?

Descriptive studies for case-control.

What are the different types of scientific investigations?

The different types of scientific investigations include descriptive studies, experimental studies, observational studies, and theoretical studies. Descriptive studies aim to describe a phenomenon, experimental studies involve manipulating variables to test hypotheses, observational studies involve observing and analyzing data without intervening, and theoretical studies involve developing and testing models or theories.

How would you Distinguish between a reporting study and a descriptive study?

A reporting study aims to present findings or data based on an analysis of existing information, while a descriptive study seeks to describe a phenomenon, situation, or group without manipulating any variables. Reporting studies typically analyze data collected by others, while descriptive studies involve collecting data firsthand.

Can you have a hypothesis for a descriptive study?

In a descriptive study, the focus is on observing and describing a phenomenon without manipulating any variables. Therefore, a hypothesis is not typically used in descriptive studies. Instead, researchers aim to provide a detailed and accurate account of the characteristics of the subject under study.

Which field of anthropology that studies human language and communication is called?

Linguistic anthropology studies the language of a specific ethnic group in a culture.

What are the features of descriptive research?

A major feature of descriptive research studies is that - quantitative representation of behavior, opinions, or phenomenon. Representative samples or entire populations so draw conclusions, specify particular characteristics they wish to study in advance of data collection

What are the different types of descriptive research?

Case Studies Job Analyses Documentary Analysis Developmental Studies Correlational Studies Examples of this are Surveys (questionnaires, Delphi method, interviews, normative) Im only in psychology 1 but this is my most educated guess.=) hope this helped.=p

What observation are description that does not use numbers?

Categoric or descriptive observations.Categoric or descriptive observations.Categoric or descriptive observations.Categoric or descriptive observations.

What are the four methods of study in behavioral genetics?

The four methods of study in behavioral genetics are family studies, twin studies, adoption studies, and molecular genetic studies. Family studies look at the occurrence of traits within families, while twin studies compare the similarities between identical and fraternal twins. Adoption studies examine the influence of genetics and environment by comparing adopted individuals with their biological and adoptive families. Molecular genetic studies analyze specific genes and their impact on behavior.

What is the comparative and superlative form of descriptive?

more descriptive, most descriptive

What is qualitative descriptive research?

It is a research design part of qualitative method that allow the researcher to describe a phenomenon by presenting the facts in rich detail without attempting to interpret them. Gervais D

What is a example of descricptive writing?

Numerous examples of 'descriptive writing' abound in contemporary cultural as well as historical sources for texts. For example, travel magazines and travel sections of news documents provide descriptive pieces -- of tourist-destinations or otherwise beautiful or attractive places of interest. Many historical texts, such as the journals of explorers, as well as studies of art or culture also serve as helpful examples of descriptive writing.