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A functional dependency is defined as a constraint between two sets of attributes in a relation from a database.

Given a relation R, a set of attributes X in R is said to functionally determine another attribute Y, also in R, (written X Y) if and only if eachX value is associated with at most oneY value.

A functional dependency X --> Y is full functional dependency if removal of any attribute 'k' from X means that the dependency does not hold any more. Full functional dependency is minimal in size.

Partial Functional Dependency Indicates that if A and B are attributes of a table, B is partially dependent on A if there is some attribute that can be removed from A and yet the dependency still holds.

A key is a set of attributes that uniquely identifies an entire tuple, a function dependency allow us to express constraints that uniquely identify the values of certain attribute.

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Q: What is difference between Partial Functional Dependency and Full Functional Dependency?
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