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It is a field of math that uses calculus, specifically, differential calc, to study geometry. Some of the commonly studied topics in differential geometry are the study of curves and surfaces in 3d

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Q: What is differential geometry?
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What are the Applications of analytical geometry in engineering field?

Analytical geometry is used widely in engineering. It set the foundation for algebraic, differential, discrete, and computational geometry. It is the study of geometry using a coordinate system.

How many types of geometry do mathematicians study?

Mathematicians study various types of geometry, but the most common ones include Euclidean geometry, which studies flat, two-dimensional space, and three-dimensional space; and non-Euclidean geometry, which explores curved spaces such as spherical and hyperbolic geometries. Differential geometry is another branch that focuses on the study of curves and surfaces using calculus techniques, while algebraic geometry investigates geometric objects defined by algebraic equations. Finally, fractal geometry delves into the study of intricate, self-repeating geometric patterns.

How maths is used in robotics?

These are the general math courses in an undergraduate program of Mechanical Engineering. Actually, these are also the math courses required in ANY undergraduate Engineering curriculum: Algebra Trigonometry Analytic Geometry Differential Calculus Integral Calculus Mutivariable Calculus Differential Equations

What mathematics does a automotive engineer use?

As an automotive engineer, I mostly use algebra, but I sometimes use geometry, statistics, and calculus. Some higher level research positions may use differential equations.

What is a characteristic of Euclidean geometry?

One main characteristic of non-Euclidean geometry is hyperbolic geometry. The other is elliptic geometry. Non-Euclidean geometry is still closely related to Euclidean geometry.

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When was Journal of Differential Geometry created?

Journal of Differential Geometry was created in 1967.

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