Simplex method used for maximization, where dual simplex used for minimization.
what is difference between regular simplex method and dual simplex method
When you have 3 variables or more. In paper, we can only draw 2 dimensional shapes.
In our example, the area of the equilateral triangle is 1/6 of the area of the regular hexagon
Maximize z = 6x1 - 2x2+ 3x3 subject to 2x1 - x2 + 2x3 ≤ 2, x1+ 4x3 ≤ 4, x1, x2 , x3 ≥ 0.
what is difference between regular simplex method and dual simplex method
LPP deals with solving problems which are linear . ex: simlpex method, big m method, revised simplex, dual simplex. NLPP deals with non linear equations ex: newton's method, powells method, steepest decent method
Simplex Method and Interior Point Methods
half-duplex communication of a data transmission method
graphical method is applicable only for solving an LPP having two variables in its constraints , but if more than two variables are used, then it is not possible to use graphical method. In those cases, simplex method helps to solve such problem. In simple, in graphical method is used when the constraints contain two variables only. But simplex method can be used to solve constraints having more than two variables.
When you have 3 variables or more. In paper, we can only draw 2 dimensional shapes.
There usually is: particularly in examples that at set school or college level.
I just read that ADBASE software solve multiobjective problems (by simplex method) whith about 50 decision variables and 3 objective functions.
lower computational complexity and requires fewer multiplications
In our example, the area of the equilateral triangle is 1/6 of the area of the regular hexagon
cBi = coefficients of the current basic variables in the objective function. ... XB = solution values of the basic variables. zj-cj = index row. Or Relative Cost factor The rules used for the construction of the initial simplex table are same in both the maximization and the minimization problems.