

What is discount retailing?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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Q: What is discount retailing?
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well always check the bottom piece because it can be rip so if u see it u get a discount

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When was Fast Retailing created?

Fast Retailing was created in 1963.

Who is the founder of Target?

George Dayton took credit for but the real founder and genius behind the concept of discount retailing was John F. Geisse. Geisse had the idea, built it and was its first CEO.

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What is wheel of retailing and its components?

The Wheel of Retailing is an interesting phenomenon that has observed the tendency of retail stores to progressively add to their services. These services are normally motivated and influenced by consumer desires and aimed to increase consumer satisfaction as well as profits. Many stores have begun as discount retailers but have gradually added services in response to consumer demand.