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Q: What is discrete nature of charge?
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The law of the quantization of the charge?

The law of quantization of charge states that electric charge is always a multiple of the elementary charge, which is approximately 1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs. This means that charge is not continuous but comes in discrete packets. It is a fundamental principle in physics that helps explain the discrete nature of electric charge.

Is frequency discrete in nature?

No, it is not.

Why does positively or negatively charged object have multiples of fundamental charge?

Quantum mechanics predicts that charge is quantized, meaning it can only exist in multiples of the elementary charge. This concept is based on experimental observations that show the discrete nature of charge, with all charged particles exhibiting charges that are integer multiples of the elementary charge.

Why does a positively or negatively charged object have multiples of the fundamental charge?

A positively or negatively charged object can have multiples of the fundamental charge because the charge on an object is quantized, meaning it can only exist in discrete amounts. The fundamental charge is the smallest unit of charge found in nature, and objects can accumulate multiple units of this charge through gaining or losing electrons.

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What does quantisation of charge mean?

Quantization of charge means that the electric charge carried by an object is always a multiple of the elementary charge (the charge of a single proton or electron). This concept arises from the discrete nature of charge, which is one of the fundamental properties of matter.

What is meant by quantization in physics?

Quantization in physics refers to the process of restricting the possible values of a physical quantity to discrete values instead of allowing it to vary continuously. This concept arises in quantum mechanics, where quantities such as energy, angular momentum, and charge are quantized, meaning they can only take on certain specific values. This discrete nature of physical properties at the quantum level has profound implications for the behavior of particles and the structure of matter.

Summarize and interpret the experimental evidence for quantisation of charge?

Millikan's oil-drop experiment provided clear evidence for the quantization of charge, showing that the charge on an object is always a multiple of a fundamental unit of charge, e. The experiment measured the charge on oil droplets suspended in an electric field, demonstrating that the charges observed were all multiples of a single value. This confirmed the discrete nature of charge and led to the development of the modern understanding of the quantization of charge in particles like electrons.

Why do we ignore quantisation of electric charge when dealing with macroscopic charges?

We ignore quantization of electric charge at the macroscopic scale because the individual charges are so large in quantity that the discrete nature of charge at the atomic level becomes statistically insignificant and can be treated as a continuous distribution. This allows us to simplify calculations and models when working with macroscopic charges.

Why does a charged objects have multiples of the fundamental charge?

Charged objects can have multiples of the fundamental charge because charge is quantized, meaning it exists in discrete amounts. Electrons, for example, have a charge of -1 fundamental unit, so objects can have multiples of this charge if they gain or lose electrons.

she said it doesn't exist yet it existed laterwhat is it that we are looking for?

mechanics of quantum principle. Means that everything in nature is discrete.

What does is mean to say a charge is quantized?

Saying that a charge is quantized means that it can only exist in discrete, specific amounts. In the case of elementary particles, like electrons, the charge is quantized in units of the elementary charge, e, which is approximately equal to 1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs. This concept of quantization arises from the fundamental nature of charge in the atomic and subatomic world.