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Q: What is distribute strategically?
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What is a sentence with the word strategically?

They strategically planned the locations of their men in the battle.

What part of speech is strategically?

The word strategically is an adverb. It means to do something in a strategic manner.

How do you use the word strategically?

The word "strategically" is often used to describe actions or decisions that are planned and executed in a way that is intended to achieve a specific goal or advantage. For example, you might say, "We strategically positioned our product in the market to target a specific demographic," or "The team strategically divided their tasks to maximize efficiency."

Is strategically a verb or adverb?

It's an adverb. Example: He placed the vase strategically in the large window.

How do you use strategically in a sentence?

These explosives were strategically placed for maximum damage. I strategically placed my chess pieces so he would get the wrong idea as to my plan of attack. I strategically altered the troops formation so that the enemy will mistake the shock troops for the Main force. Too many war examples much?

What is the future tense of distribute?

will distribute -- I will distribute the papers later be + going to distribute -- The teacher is going to distribute the result tomorrow be + distributing -- The school is distributing the awards next week

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Is there a sentence for strateegically?

By sentence, do you mean 'Can you use Strategically in a sentence?" If so, then: The boy Strategically placed the decorations on the Christmas tree. Ask on!

Do mirrors add light to a room?

Mirrors do not actually add light to a room. However, they can reflect the light that is already present in a room, making it appear brighter and more spacious. Placing mirrors strategically can help distribute light more effectively throughout a space.

What is the past tense of distribute?

The past tense of distribute is distributed.

Is distribute a verb?

Yes, "distribute" is a verb. It means to give out or deliver something to a number of recipients.