its divisble by 64
LCD(121, 132) = 1452.
No. You would get 13,070.5 therefore 78,423 is not divisble by six.
12*121 = 1452 121*12 = 1452
its divisble by 64
1452, was the Chinese Year of the Monkey.
1452 feet=0.275 miles
There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, 1452 inches is equal to 1452/12 = 121 feet.
LCD(121, 132) = 1452.
Leonardo da Vinci lived from 1452 to 1519 AD.
No. You would get 13,070.5 therefore 78,423 is not divisble by six.
12*121 = 1452 121*12 = 1452
67 Years.
24,836 days from 01/01/1452 to 31/12/1519