384 is divisible by: 1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 32 48 64 96 128 192 384.
Yes. 384 / 2 = 192
It's 76.8
Yes. 384 / 3 = 128The quickest way to identify a number divisible by 3 is that the sum of its digits is a number divisible by 3. Here, 3 + 8 + 4 = 15, which is divisible by 3.This works for any number, for example:111111 is divisible by 3 (sums to 6)1111111 is not divisible by 3 (sums to 7)but 1221111 is, and so is 1311111 and 1112211 because they all total 9.
384 is a composite number. All even numbers (except for 2) are composite because they are automatically divisible by 2.
48, 96, 144, 192, 240, 288, 336, 384, 432 . . .
No. 384 is not evenly divisible by ten.
Yes. 384 / 2 = 192
It's 76.8
Oh, dude, you're asking me to find numbers divisible by 384? Like, any number that ends in 384 is technically divisible by 384. So, 384, 768, 1152, and so on. But, like, who's really out there dividing by 384 anyway?
Yes and the quotient is 96
4, yes.5, no.
Yes; 384 = 360 + 24, divide each number by 6 to get 60 and 4, then add the numbers up to get 64.
Yes. 384 / 3 = 128The quickest way to identify a number divisible by 3 is that the sum of its digits is a number divisible by 3. Here, 3 + 8 + 4 = 15, which is divisible by 3.This works for any number, for example:111111 is divisible by 3 (sums to 6)1111111 is not divisible by 3 (sums to 7)but 1221111 is, and so is 1311111 and 1112211 because they all total 9.
384 is a composite number. All even numbers (except for 2) are composite because they are automatically divisible by 2.
{| |- | 384 376 368 288 216 96 94 92 72 54 Answer: All of them |}
The multiples of 48 (which are infinite) are all divisible by 48 , including these: 48, 96, 144, 192, 240, 288, 336, 384, 432 . . .