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Q: What is doctrine of reciprocal responsibility?
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What does reciprocal responsibility mean?

I came across a term "reciprocal responsibility." What does it mean? It means that you, as a holder of a certain right, are held responsible for respecting the same and equal rights of others. If one has the right to free speech then one must respect the rights of others. One has the right to bear arms, but they must not intrude on another's same right nor use it in unnecessary force. This is what reciprocal responsibility is. A violation of it opens one to criminal and civil liability. No rights exist without attending responsibility.

Who said that the social responsibility of business is a fundamentally subversive doctrine and that the one social responsibility of business is to use its resources and engage in activities design?

milton friedman

What is the purpose of collective responsibility?

The two aspects of collective responsibility may include actions as well as intentions. This is a doctrine where several people are held responsible collectively for other peopleÕs actions.

What is the reciprocal of 29?

The reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe rThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 isThe reciprocal of 29 12 is

How do you get a reciprocal?

a reciprocal is just the number flipped over the reciprocal of 3 is 1/3 the reciprocal of 4/3 is 3/4

What does reciprocal mean in mathmatical terms?

Reciprocal of 3 is 1/3 Reciprocal of 35 is 1/35. Reciprocal of x is 1/x. Reciprocal of 1/3 is 3. Reciprocal of 1/x is x. It is the inverse of a number.

What is the reciprocal of zero?

It is 0. But some people say 0 does not have a reciprocal.

What is the reciprocal of 10.1?

The reciprocal of any number is 1 divided by that number. Therefore, the reciprocal of 10.1 is 1/10.1.The reciprocal of any number is 1 divided by that number. Therefore, the reciprocal of 10.1 is 1/10.1.The reciprocal of any number is 1 divided by that number. Therefore, the reciprocal of 10.1 is 1/10.1.The reciprocal of any number is 1 divided by that number. Therefore, the reciprocal of 10.1 is 1/10.1.

What is a reciprocal of a fraction?

A reciprocal of a fraction is when you interchange the numerator and the denominator.Example:3/5: reciprocal = 5/3The reciprocal of a fraction is when you interchange the numerator and the denominator.Example:3/5: reciprocal = 5/3

What is the reciprocal of a real number?

The reciprocal of a number is one divided by the number. The product of a number and its reciprocal equals one.The easiest way to get the reciprocal of a number is to put the number in the form of a fraction then swap the numerator with the denominator.The reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2.The reciprocal of 123/5564 is 5564/123.The reciprocal of 1/5 is 5.The reciprocal of 73 is 1/73.The reciprocal of x is 1/x.

What is the reciprocal of 1and 2 7th?

The reciprocal is simply 1/x Reciprocal of 7 = 1/7. Reciprocal of 2 is 1/2 or 0.5.

What is two numbers whose product is 1. the reciprocal of a fraction callled?

The product of -1 and -1 is 1. The reciprocal of a fraction is called its reciprocal.