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Integer ambiguity refers to the initial epoch of a continuous tracking in the carrier phase measurement, usually it is denoted as N.
Uncertainty, ambiguity
It might be "ambiguity," although I am not certain.
dimensional analysis
it was ambiguity of me to say that
SEMANTIC AMBIGUITY This answer is supported on page 50.
The Ethics of Ambiguity was created in 1947.
A Certain Ambiguity has 292 pages.
A Certain Ambiguity was created on 2007-07-02.
The ambiguity of his response left us unsure of his true intentions.
To create a sense of ambiguity
Seven Types of Ambiguity - Empson - was created in 1930.
Syntactic ambiguity is another type of ambiguity that can interfere with clear thinking. This occurs when a sentence can be interpreted in different ways due to the structure or grammar used. This can lead to confusion or misunderstandings in communication.
No. Ambiguity is a noun. It is the noun form of the adjective ambiguous (having two meanings, or unclear).
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This old text is full of ambiguity, everyone interprets it in a different way.