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Q: What is domain and range for an elevator in a tall building starts at a floor of the building that is 90 meters above the ground. The elevator descends 3 meters every 0.5 second for 5 seconds.?
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Related questions

What is the duration of A Small Domain?

The duration of A Small Domain is 1080.0 seconds.

How many seconds after a change notification process is triggered does replication between domain controllers occur?

15 seconds.

Which of the following areas falls in the domain of an interior designer?

knowing building codes.

The function each T equals -4.92T squared +17.69T +575 is used to model the height of an object being tossed from a tall building where HT is the height in meters and T is the time in seconds what are the domain and range rounded to the nearest hundred?


What is on major difference between domain Eukarya and domain Bacteria and Archaea?

Archaea and bacteria are both prokaryotic and have a cell wall. Eukarya is the largest and is thought to have evolved from prokaryotic. All three organisms are the building blocks of life.

How much is a veterinarian building cost?

It's a value of x dollars, where X is equal to the negative log of a number that has the domain (9000, infinity).

At what site can one register their domain?

There are many websites that allow you to purchase domain names if you google cheap domain names a whole list comes up. You can either buy through your webhosting company, or directly off of sites that only sell domain names.

In intrasite replication how long does a domain controller wait before it starts notifying its replication partners that it has updates?

In intrasite replication, a domain controller waits 15 seconds before it starts notifying its replication partners that it has updates. This time interval is known as the Replication Notify Interval.

Where can one find out information on domain services?

Probably the best place to find out a wide range of information on domain services would be the website GoDaddy. On the site one can get information on website building, hosting services and all the different web tools available.

Who is the registrant of a domain name and Who is the registrar of a domain name?

A domain registrant is the person who owns the domain name or requires a domain name for his/her business. A domain registrar is the organization that helps you find the appropriate domain name for your business.Example:DomainIndia ( is the domain registrar that organization provides domain names registration and web hosting in India. Adolfina is the domain registrant who requires a domain name.

What is a domain extension?

A domain extension is the end of a domain. For example, in the domain [ ], "com" is the extension.


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