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Contour Farming

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Q: What is done to reduce soil erosion on steep slopes?
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Why terrace farming is practiced in the Himalayas?

Terrace farming is done to make use of hillsides. This is done because the slopes are too steep for farming. Terraced hillsides help to reduce erosion and surface runoff. This helps to keep the soil in place on the hillsides.

Which sport would you practice on nursery slopes?

skiing of snowboarding is done on nursery slopes they are less steep and generally easier runs to complete

What can be done to reduce the amount of erosion happening?

The planting of more trees can protect soil from wind and water erosion. The terracing of hillsides also helps to reduce the effects of erosion.

Why is terracing important?

Terracing is important for preventing soil erosion on steep slopes, promoting water conservation, and increasing agricultural productivity by creating flat areas for planting crops. It also helps to manage water runoff and reduce the impact of heavy rain on the land.

What kind of farming is done in hilly areas to protect soil erosion?

Terracing is a common farming practice in hilly areas to protect soil erosion. It involves creating level steps on the slopes to reduce water runoff and prevent soil from being washed away. Additionally, agroforestry, using trees and shrubs in combination with crops, can help stabilize the soil and protect against erosion in hilly regions.

Contour plowing is a soil conservation method that involves-?

Prevention of soil erosion because the plowing is done according to how the land lays.

What type of plowing can be done to prevent erosion?

Contour plowing is a type of plowing that can be done to prevent erosion. This method involves plowing across a slope following its contour lines, which helps to reduce water runoff and soil erosion by slowing down the flow of water.

What can be done to prevent soil erosion?

Some methods to prevent soil erosion include planting cover crops to protect the soil, implementing contour farming to reduce water runoff, building terraces to reduce slope erosion, and practicing no-till farming to maintain soil structure. Additionally, preserving natural habitats, such as forests and grasslands, can help prevent erosion by stabilizing soil with their root systems.

What factor is most likely to affect the amount of erosion done by a stream?

The slope or gradient of the stream is the most likely factor to affect the amount of erosion. Steeper slopes result in higher velocities, which in turn increase the erosive power of the stream. A steeper slope also allows the stream to carry larger sediment and potentially cause more erosion.

What can be done by erosion problems?

Erosion problems can be mitigated through measures such as planting vegetation to stabilize soil, constructing retaining walls or terraces to reduce slope steepness, and installing erosion control blankets or matting to prevent soil movement. Regular monitoring and maintenance of erosion control measures is also important to prevent further degradation.

What are three things humans have done to increase soil erosion?

Deforestation: Clearing trees and vegetation for agriculture, logging, or urban development reduces the binding roots that help to hold soil in place. Overgrazing: Allowing livestock to graze in an area beyond its natural carrying capacity destroys vegetation cover, making soil more vulnerable to erosion. Poor agricultural practices: Practices such as improper tillage, monoculture farming, and excessive use of chemical fertilizers can degrade soil structure and increase erosion rates.

What things can be done to help prevent water erosion?

Planting vegetation, such as grass or trees, can help prevent water erosion by stabilizing the soil with their roots. Implementing measures such as terracing or contour plowing can also help slow down water flow and reduce erosion. Properly managing construction sites and avoiding overgrazing can also play a role in preventing water erosion.