A trend can mean the decreasing value of a function of time, i.e. f(t+dt) - f(t) < 0.
It can also mean a negative slope, i.e., df/dt < 0.
It may come up in statistics, economics (Stock Market) or Biology (population size) but could be used anywhere.
Sometimes a trend line is some kind of average taken over a time window. It could be the maximal decrease of local maxima, or it could be the average decline over a window of time.
<Feb 18, 2014 - B.C.>
It is usually a linear measure in the downward direction.
A trend is like a pattern except not as precise
One example of a 'Trend' would be; In a Graph if there is a point in the graph where you start to see a pattern, its sort of like a trend. But usually you have to explain it, you would have to understand all of the data to know what the actual trend is.
Dose is a measured portion of a medicine. Therefore a dose trend means the pattern of dosage of medication over a period of time.
Usually it refers to the straight line regression of a variable against time.
I don't know what this means but I can tell you what trends mean in math it means A trend within the data the data appears to behave. That's what I got thank you
a trend in math is a pattern or sequence.
A trend is a math term. It is on a line graph. It is a slope between two variables.
A trend is usually an upward or downward trend. If the line is highest nearest the vertical axis(the lefthand side of the graph) and slopes downwards, this is a downward trend.
The downward tend on a graph is called "decay".
A trend that decreases downward in a scatter plot.
It is usually a linear measure in the downward direction.
bear market
Bear Market
A trend is like a pattern except not as precise
One example of a 'Trend' would be; In a Graph if there is a point in the graph where you start to see a pattern, its sort of like a trend. But usually you have to explain it, you would have to understand all of the data to know what the actual trend is.
Dose is a measured portion of a medicine. Therefore a dose trend means the pattern of dosage of medication over a period of time.