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Q: What is e in Greek?
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Who do you say same in greek?

Same in Greek is "ίδιο" and it is pronounciated as e-the-o with the accent on the first e!

What has the author E S Forster written?

E. S. Forster has written: 'An anthology of Greek prose' -- subject(s): Greek prose literature 'An anthology of Greek verse' -- subject(s): Greek poetry

What is the name of e Greek god of death?

Thanatos is the Greek personification of death.

What is the the Greek letter eta?

''eta'' is the greek letter ''H, η'' - pronounced : ητα (in the greek alphabet) one of the three similar 'e's : η, ι, ει - all of them heard as 'e'

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The word for vowels in greek is Φωνήεντα (fonee-e-nda).

What is the correct name for the Greek E auto sum symbol?

It is not E it is Sigma.

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ικανοποίηση (e-ka-no-pe-e-se)

How do you say THERE in Greek?

εκεί e-kee

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What has the author William E Daehn written?

William E. Daehn has written: 'Ancient Greek numismatics' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Greek Numismatics

What Greek goddess had 7 letters in her name?

D e m e t e r

How do you say lost in Greek?

Έχω χάσειThis is '' i hav lost'' in Greek ! :D xx