

What is e in e equals mcsquared?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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energy (e) equals mass (m) times the square of the speed of light (c2)

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Q: What is e in e equals mcsquared?
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E equals mcsquared is what Einstein came up with what does E equals mcsquared mean?

E stands for Energy, M stands for Mass, C stands for the speed of light.. So Energy = Mass times the Speed of Light squared.

What does e equals mcsquared mean?

e= energy m=mass c=speed of light

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Coming up with E=MCsquared Being really smart and making E=mc2

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The answer is pretty simple it follows with E=Mcsquared also with 4+5/8888888888*8473

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Mass is a property of matter it is a measure of how much matter is present. It has inertia and bends spacetime. Mass is solid energy as Einstein discovered (E=MCsquared).

Can engergy be converted into mass?

Theoretically, yes. E=MCsquared is the equation of Einstein that covers the energy/mass equivalence. However, as far as I know as yet energy has not been transformed into mass, although the reverse is true.

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They all equal each other. a = b = c = d = e e = a e = b e = c e = d e = e

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the answer is a

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