E = mc2 is a famous equation in relativity.
E = the amount of energy
m = the mass of the object
c = the speed of light in a vacuum (299,792,458 meters per second)
Therefore Energy is proportional to mass (i.e., if mass goes up, energy goes up... if mass goes down, energy also goes down)
Albert Einstein.
He did not use any databases to come up with E=mc^2.
The correct formula is E = MC².
No. E = mc2 is not the same as E = (mc)2 which is what the question suggests. Also, if you know E, why do you need to square anything to "get" E?
M = mass
Albert Einstein.
He did not use any databases to come up with E=mc^2.
The correct formula is E = MC².
No. E = mc2 is not the same as E = (mc)2 which is what the question suggests. Also, if you know E, why do you need to square anything to "get" E?
M = mass
He was of a generation which used "brains". Try it sometime!
Albert Einstein.
I don't know who came up with E = mc, but Einstein came up with E = mc2.
Yes. Yes it does.