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dilation of aortic root (site of where cusps are located)

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Q: What is ectasia of the aortc root?
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What discomfort is caused from dural ectasia?

In most cases, dural ectasia occurs in the lower spine, producing low back ache, a burning feeling, or numbness or weakness in the legs.

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What is mild ectasia of the abdominal aorta?

Ectasia of the abdominal aorta is when the aorta (the large artery in the body that brings fresh blood from the heart to the rest of the body) in the abdomen (area of the body below the chest and above the waist and holds body organs like the stomach and bowels) is dilated or enlarged. Mild ectasia is a reference term to describe how big the dilation of the aorta in the abdomen is.

What is mild ectasia of the distal aorta?

Mild ectasia of the distal aorta refers to a slight widening or dilation of the lower portion of the aorta, the body's main artery. It is often asymptomatic and may not require immediate treatment, but should be monitored by a healthcare provider to ensure it does not progress or lead to complications.

How is dural ectasia treated?

Treatment for dural ectasia typically focuses on managing symptoms. This may include pain management, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications to reduce symptoms such as back pain or leg weakness. In some cases, surgery may be considered to address severe complications or symptoms.

What is the opposite of -estasis?

The "opposite" suffix of -estatis or -statis (meaning a stoppage or unchanging condition) could be either-kinesis (motion)-ectasia (expansion, dilation)-genesis (growth)-lysis (destruction)-phthisis (growing)-tropia (turning)* If the intended suffix was -ectasia (expansion) rather than statis, the opposite would be stenosis (narrowing).

What does retrograde flow mean in the heart?

After an ultrasound of my left arm ( for blood clot) .I wwas told that the blood flow is retrograde.I just underwent aortc vavle transplant.this being my third.the mitral and tricuspid. does retrograde blood flow mean

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning stretched?

-ectasia is the medical terminology combining form meaning abnormal enlargement of a diameter.

What does the medical abbreviation GAVE mean?

GAVE is the abbreviation for Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia. GAVE is an uncommon cause of GI bleeding or iron deficiency anemia. The problem was first identified in 1952. 71% of all cases are diagnosed in women with the average age of 73. Gastric: stomach + pertaining to Antral: last part of the stomach Vascular: blood vessels Ectasia: dilation

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning dilation?

The medical terminology combining form meaning dilation is "ectasia".

What happens to the dura membrane in Marfan syndrome patients?

The weak dura in Marfan patients swells or bulges under the pressure of the spinal fluid. This swelling is called ectasia.

What words have the Greek root dis in them?

I will provide 11 words to get you started: disabilitydisappeardisagreedisasterdiscarddischargedisciplediscoverdiscreetdisfiguredishonest