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Q: What is effective angle of attack?
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What is an angle attack?

The angle of attack is the angle that the kite flys into the air at. The angle depends on the wind seeded in the area you are flying the kite in.

Why high angle of attack is used in fighter air crafts?

Dear sir,The followings are my quest....1. what is angle of attack?2. what is high angle of attack?3. why high angle of attack is used in super sonic air crafts?4. control measures used in high angle of attack?answer me through mail.yours ,

What is an angle of attack?

An angle of attack is the angle between the chord line of an airfoil and the airflow over it.

What is the angle of attack on an airplane?

The angle of attack is an aerodynamic term which refers to the angle between the mean wing chord of the airfoil and the direction of airflow. This is different from the pitch angle of the aircraft in that the pitch angle refers to the aircrafts position in relation to the horizon, whereas angle of attack refers to the aircrafts angle in relation to airflow.

How does angle of attack affect lift and drag?

A higher angle of attack has an increase of both lift and drag.

What type of redeployment can be effective against an enemy's flank attack?

Redeploy at right angle, in comparison with the front line, the threatened flank, so as "to refuse" the encirclement.

What is the difference between the angle of attack and angle of incidence?

Zero degrees.

What is the angle between the airplanes wing and the direction of airflow called?

The angle between the airplane's wing and the direction of airflow is called the angle of attack. This angle is important for generating lift and controlling the aircraft's flight.

Is the weakness of a Pokemon based on attack or type?

Both. If your attack is good against another pokemons TYPE then it will be super effective. If your pokemons type resists their attack then it will be not very effective. Water attack is super effective against fire.

What is the point at which lift starts to drop off?

This is termed the Critical Angle of Attack and represents a maximum in the Lift Coefficient vs. Angle of Attack curve. If the angle of attack is increased beyond this point, the wing will stall. For most airfoils, the critical angle of attack is around 15 deg. For swept back wings it is typically higher.

What control stall margin?

Stall margin is the difference in the critical angle of attack and the angle of attack in which you are operating.Example:Suppose, critical angle of attack= 15°AOA operating in a flight= 5°then, Lift by the wing balances the weight of the airplane with a STALL MARGIN= 10°Stall Margin is being controlled by an angle of attack and the position of flap control..CHEERS!

How does the angle of attack affect the accuracy of attack in fencing?

the steeper the angle of attack the easier it is for your opponent to pare' your thrust or lunge. the steeper the angle of attack, the less your thrust is lined up with your line of sight, giving a larger emphasis on depth perception in the attack, and in a stressed, rushed situation, that often results in the touch being either high or low.