Expressed as a percentage, 8/14 is equal to 57.142857 recurring (that is, 57.142857142857...) percent.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 8/14 is equal to 0.571428 recurring (that is, 0.571428571428...)
five fourteenths
The answer is One Seventh
8 and 20/21
5/14 x 100 = 35.714285 recurring (that is, 35.714285714285...)
Fourteenths (eight and seven)
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 8/14 is equal to 0.571428 recurring (that is, 0.571428571428...)
five fourteenths
No, it would have to be ten fourteenths to equal five sevenths or one seventh equals two fourteenths.
no. two fourteenths are equal to one seventh.
9 fourteenths divided by 3 seventh = 3
We need to convert, and we can do so into fourteenths. One half is 7 fourteenths. One seventh is 2 fourteenths. 7 - 2 = 5, so the answer is 5 fourteenths, which cannot be simplified any further.
1 eight of a percentage = 12.5%