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Symbol Value

I 1 (one) (unus)

V 5 ( five) (quinque)

X 10 ( ten) (decem)

L 50 ( fifty) (quinquaginta)

C 100 ( one hundred) (centum)

D 500 ( five hundred) (quingenti)

M 1000 ( one thousand) (mille)

For large numbers (4000 and above), a bar is placed above a base numeral to indicate multiplication by 1000:

X for ten thousand

L for fifty thousand

C for one hundred thousand

D for five hundred thousand

M for one million

For very large numbers, there is no standard format, although sometimes a double bar or underline is used to indicate multiplication by 1,000,000. That means an underlined X (X) is ten million.

So your number would look somewhat like(I am not sure): M(VIII)CC.

M being million raised to 8(VIII) million, The first C being 100 hundred multiplied by 1000 to give you one hundred thousand, and the last C being one hundred.

Another Answer:-

It is: ((DCCC))(C)C which means 10*1000*800+1000*100+100 = 8,100,100

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