8/10 + 1/4. First find a common denominator. The lowest one is 20. You don't have to use the lowest one, but it usually makes the problem simpler. This can come in handy if you have more complex fractions to solve. So we have 8/10 = 16/20 and 1/4 = 5/20. Add them together = 21/20, which as a mixed number is 1 1/20
4.5 tenths
Nine tenths plus two fifths minus one fourth is equal to 1.05
Five tenths
Two and eight tenths.
4.5 tenths
Nine tenths plus two fifths minus one fourth is equal to 1.05
2.05 or 41/20.
No one fourth = 1/4 = 0.25 eight tenths = 4/5 = 0.8
Five tenths
9/20 or .45
Two and eight tenths.
One fourth