80% or .8
Ten and eighty-one hundredths is 10.81
3.84 percent = three and eighty four hundredths percent
Two and eighty-nine hundredths percent.
One and eighty nine hundredths
One and eighty-five hundredths percent.
80% or .8
Ten and eighty-one hundredths is 10.81
To write 8.81 in words, you would say "eight point eight one." The whole number part, 8, is pronounced as "eight." The decimal point is read as "point." And the decimal part, 0.81, is pronounced as "eighty-one hundredths."
3.84 percent = three and eighty four hundredths percent
eighty one hundredths = 0.81 in decimals
Two and eighty-nine hundredths percent.
One and eighty nine hundredths
Eighty-one hundredths in decimal notation is 0.81
Nine-tenths of nine tenths = eighty-one hundredths ie 0.81
5.85 percent in words =5 and eighty five hundredths