473,488,000,000 divided by 12 is 39,457,333,333.33... (repeating forever)
This is how you write out four million, eight hundred eighty one: 4,000,881
You could write 8.4 a couple of ways: Eight point four Eight and four tenths
Eighty-four and three hundred eighty-six thousandths.
12 / 488 = 0.02459
473,488,000,000 divided by 12 is 39,457,333,333.33... (repeating forever)
Fourteen thousand, eight hundred eighty-four
This is how you write out four million, eight hundred eighty one: 4,000,881
You could write 8.4 a couple of ways: Eight point four Eight and four tenths
84 divided by 4 equals 21.
80 divided by 8 is 10.
Eighty-four and three hundred eighty-six thousandths.
The state of Ohio is divided into more than eighty counties - eighty-eight to be precise.