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Ten and four elevenths.

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Q: What is eleven subtract seven-elevenths?
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Subtract the lowest from the highest: 11,000,000-8,000,000 = 3,000,000

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No eleven is not IX, it would be XI. The lower symbol in front of a larger one means to subtract, in this case it is nine (9).

Eleven increased by half a number n is 77?

11 + (n/2) = 77 Subtract 11 from both sides: n/2 = 66 Multiply both sides by 2: n = 132

How do you subtract two and two thirds from eleven and one half?

You need to do two changes before you can do the actual subtraction. One, since 2/3 is more than 1/2, you have to write 11 1/2 as 10 3/2. That is, you add 2/2 to the fractional part, and, to compensate, you subtract the equivalent (2/2 = 1) from the integer part. Two, you have to convert the fractions to a common denominator. Once you have done these two changes, you can easily subtract. (Subtract the integer part and the fractional part separately.)

How old will a 11 year old be in 2040 if its 2010?

An eleven year old should be able to do this kind of maths. 2010 to 2040 is 30 years ( subtract 2010 from 2040). Ad 30 years to 11 answer is 41. An eleven year old will be 41 in 2040

How many integers are there from 9 to 19?

Assuming you include the endpoints (9 and 19, in this case), the calculation you must do is:19 - 9 + 1 If you don't subtract the endpoints (the question would be phrased something like "... between 9 and 19"), you have to subtract one instead of adding one, at the end.