

What is equal sides and vertices?

Updated: 11/19/2022
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Q: What is equal sides and vertices?
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Which polygon has 5 equal sides and 5 vertices?

It is a regular pentagon that has 5 equal sides and 5 vertices.

Which figures have the same number of sides vertices and angles?

Vertices and angles are the same thing. Any polygon has an equal number of sides and vertices (and, therefore, angles).Vertices and angles are the same thing. Any polygon has an equal number of sides and vertices (and, therefore, angles).Vertices and angles are the same thing. Any polygon has an equal number of sides and vertices (and, therefore, angles).Vertices and angles are the same thing. Any polygon has an equal number of sides and vertices (and, therefore, angles).

How many vertices are on a square?

Four vertices Four equal sides Four equal angles

How many vertices are on a pentagon?

A pentagon has 5 vertices. It is one of the few polygons that has an equal number of vertices and sides.

How many edges and vertices a square has?

A square has 4 equal sides and 4 vertices of 90 degrees

What has two equal sides and two equal angles it has 3 vertices?

An isosceles triangle.

What has six faces eight vertices and twelve equal sides?

A cube.

What shape or figure has 4 equal sides and 4 vertices?


What does a kite shape have to havve to be a shape?

4 sides, 4 vertices, 2 equal angles, 2 pairs of equal sides

Is there a polygon with unequal sides and vertices?

The question is somewhat ambiguous.If you mean a polygon in which the number of sides is not equal to the number of vertices, the answer is NO, there cannot be such a polygon.If, however, the question is whether there is a polygon in which not all the sides are equal and not all the angles are equal, then the answer is YES, the vast majority of polygons are of this type.

What shape has 2 equal sides 2 equal angles and 3 vertices?

an isosceles triangle

What has more than 4 equal corner?

Any regular polygon with more than 4 sides with have all its corners (vertices) equal. Furthermore, an irregrular polygon with more than four sides can always have four equal vertices.