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By unit of length and mass and conversion ,we can say that

1 cm=10 mm

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Q: What is equal to the length of a centimeter?
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What have equal length and equal measure?


Is one centimeter equal to 100mililiters?

No, centimeter is a length and milliliter is a volume, they cannot be equal

What is mesured by a centimeter?

A centimeter is a unit of length, equal to 0.01 meters.

Does 1 centimeter equal 1000 milliliters?

no, centimeter is a length and milliliters are a volume

How many centimeter equal to 1.195g?

a centimeter is a unit of length, a gram is a unit of weight

What is the similar word to centimeter?

By unit of length and mass and conversion ,we can say that centimeter is equal to cm.

What is one centimeter of volume equal to?

1 centimeter is a measure of a linear length or distance. There is never 1 centimeter of volume.

What are the dimensions of a cubic centimeter?

The dimensions of a cubic centimeter are length, width, and height. In the International System of Units (SI), a cubic centimeter is equal to 1 centimeter in length, 1 centimeter in width, and 1 centimeter in height.

How many centimeter cubes does it take to make 50mms in length?

As 1 cubic centimeter is equal to 0.001 millimeters. Therefore 50 millimeters in length will be equal to 50,000 cubic centimeters.

Which one is bigger milliliter or a centimeter?

They are incompatible units. Milliliter is a unit of volume (equal to one cubic centimeter). Centimeter is a unit of length (equal to one hundredth of a meter)

What is a cubic centimeter equal to?

A cubic centimeter is equal to the volume of a cube with sides that are each 1 centimeter in length. It is also equivalent to 1 milliliter in volume.

What unit of length in the metric system is equal to one hundredth of a meter?
