numbers that are equal to eachother
Equivalent ratios are ratios that represent different numbers but the relationship between the numbers is same.
0.82 and 41/50 are equivalent to 82%
they are almost all equivalent - whole numbers also have the number 0, which natural numbers (counting numbers) do not.
What are two numbers Equivalent to 0.66
Equivalent numbers.
numbers that are equal to eachother
No, they are not equivalent sets.
Equivalent ratios are ratios that represent different numbers but the relationship between the numbers is same.
0.82 and 41/50 are equivalent to 82%
There is no equivalent fraction for 5/8 with smaller whole numbers. However, 0.5/0.8 is equivalent.There is no equivalent fraction for 5/8 with smaller whole numbers. However, 0.5/0.8 is equivalent.There is no equivalent fraction for 5/8 with smaller whole numbers. However, 0.5/0.8 is equivalent.There is no equivalent fraction for 5/8 with smaller whole numbers. However, 0.5/0.8 is equivalent.
0.82 and 41/50 are equivalent to 82%