22 / 24, 33 / 36, 44 / 48, etc. Notice how the numerator is always divisible by 11 and the denominator is divisible by 12.
9/11 − 5/12 = 53/132
12/33 = 4/11 in its lowest terms
6/11 = 12/22 = 18/33
3/11 is equivalent to 6/22, 9/33, 12/44. 15/55 etc.
0.3636 repeating 8/22 12/33
There are infinite possibilities, but 22/24 is equivalent to 11/12
11/12 is the equivalent of about 92%
2 equivalent fractions for 3 over 11 are 6 over 22 or 12 over 44.
9/11 − 5/12 = 53/132
6/11 = 12/22 = 18/33
12/33 = 4/11 in its lowest terms
6/11 = 12/22 = 18/33
3/11 is equivalent to 6/22, 9/33, 12/44. 15/55 etc.
0.3636 repeating 8/22 12/33