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Q: What is espoused values and enacted values?
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What is the difference between espoused and enacted values?

Espoused values are the beliefs and principles that an organization or individual states publicly and claims to follow, while enacted values are the values that are demonstrated through behavior and actions. Essentially, espoused values are what is said, and enacted values are what is done.

What are espoused values?

Espoused values are the values that an individual or organisation are committed to, in some way, but have not necessarily attained. They are usually not the same as the values demonstrated in actual behaviour, nor necessarily the same as the ones that are "professed", that is, acknowledged publicly.

What are enacted values?

enacted values are norms that are exhibited by employees

What are group norms that a group articulates and claims to be trying to achieve?

espoused values

What are group norms that a group articulates publicly and claims to be trying to achieve?

espoused values

What are group norms that group articulates publicly and claims to be trying to achieve?

espoused values

Other than habits of thinking how do group norms evolve?

The answer is NOT "By setting standards" ... That answer gave me an incorrect. Still don't know the right answer. The answer is espoused values

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why hipaa was enacted

Meaning of espoused?

of Espouse

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the military reconstruction act was enacted.

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the answer is puritans

When was COPRA enacted?

COPRA consumer protection act was enacted in 1986.