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Scientific notation is a way of representing numbers, usually very large or very small, in the form a*10^b where 1 <= |a| < 10 is a decimal number and b is an integer (negative or positive). a is called the mantissa and b is called the exponent.

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Q: What is exponential standard form?
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316 is the standard form of six cubed if exponential form the answer is 6³

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it would be 7 raised to the third power for exponential form and 7x7x7in expanded form and 343 in standard form .

How do you change standard form to exponential form?

standard form: 2^5 = 32 exponential form: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 2^5

How do you change exponential form to standard form?

exponential form: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 2^5 standard form: 2^5 = 32

What is the difference between standard and exponetial form?

if u write 100000 this is standard form. and if you write 104 this exponential form

How do you write nine hundred thousand in standard form?

standard form: 900,000 exponential form: 9 x 105

How do you write 15 cubed in exponential notation expanded form and standard form?

It is 15^3 is exponential notation,3000 + 200 + 70 + 5 in expanded notation and 3.375^10^3 in standard form.

What is 343830 in standard form?

'Standard form' is also sometimes called 'scientific notation' or 'exponential notation'.343,830 in standard form can be written as: 3.4383 &times; 105

Convert 0.0000001 from standard to exponential form?


What is standard form's other name?

Scientific notation or exponential notation.