

What is external expression?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: What is external expression?
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That is the correct spelling of "force majeure" (an external influence beyond one's control).

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this screw is locked it self without any external forces

Is the expression of sex-linked genes controlled by hormones?

Yes, the expression of sex-linked genes can be influenced by hormones. Hormones play a role in regulating gene expression by affecting the activity of specific genes in response to changes in the body's internal and external environment. Hormones such as testosterone and estrogen can impact the expression of genes located on sex chromosomes.

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explain facial expression, appraisal of external stimulus, bodily reaction and actual tendencies in relation to emotions.

The study of how environmental factors influence the expression of genes without altering the DNA is known as?

epigenetics. Epigenetics explores how modifications to gene expression can be impacted by external factors like diet, stress, and exposure to toxins, without changing the underlying DNA sequence.

Can your genes from either parent be 'switched' on or off?

Is there such thing as inheritance of obesity, or the tendency to become overweight? If there is a gene that has some control over weight, can external factors change the dominance/expression of your parents' alleles in you? For example, if your mother is a large woman and your father is thin-framed, and you are somewhere in the middle, can external factors make one parent's allele dominant and expressed over the other? Could a sudden change in lifestyle trigger a change in genetic expression?

What is the most general expression of the law of conservation of momentum?

The most general expression of the law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant before and after any interaction or collision among its internal components, as long as no external forces are applied. This means that the total momentum is conserved and does not change over time.

Is 4d a numerical expression or variable expression?

A variable expression.

What property is 3 x?

It is an expression, not a property!It is an expression, not a property!It is an expression, not a property!It is an expression, not a property!

What kind of expression is 2x plus 3?

It isa linear expression,a binomial expression,an algebraic expression,a polynomial expression.

What is the newest branch to the flow chart of the central dogma?

The newest branch to the flow chart of the central dogma is the field of epigenetics. Epigenetics involves the study of changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype that are heritable and can occur without changes to the underlying DNA sequence. It provides insights into how external factors can influence gene expression and cellular function.