Humility in the Bible meant, shame or mortification.
The word 'humility' appears 8 times in the King James version.
The word "humility" is in the King James Version of the Bible seven times. It is in seven verses. Please see the related link below.
In the KJV: The word humility is itself mentioned 7 times. The words humble and humbled are mentioned 56 times. The synonyms meek and meekness are also mentioned 29 times.
Christ was born under humble circumstances. Though Joseph and Mary would have like to have had a proper bed in which to have Christ born in. They accepted with humbleness the offer of the innkeeper. Humility is one of the greatest virtues that we can possess. No matter what our circumstance we should be greatful for what we have. Even the poor can show humility by helping those off worse than themselves. Humility is a lack of false pride.
The adverb of humility is humbly or meekly.
The CEO's humility in admitting mistakes and seeking feedback earned the respect of their team.
i am in going out in humility
Humility is not an action, it's a quality.
"I accept the feedback with humility and will use it to improve myself."
Yes, She felt as if her humility was rising.
Humility Cooper died in 1651.
Humility Cooper was born in 1619.
The Humility of Pain was created in 2002.
Saint Humility was born in 1226.