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Q: What is favorable and unfavorable budget variance?
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A favorable/unfavorable price variance does not effect your quantity variance. The reason you would see a favorable price variance and an unfavorable quantity variance is because you consumed more materials than your standard allows AND the price you paid for those material was less than your standard price. If you paid more than your standard price, you would have experienced an unfavorable variance in both quantity and price.

What difference between a favorable variance and an unfavorable variance?

Favourable variance is that variance which is good for business while unfavourable variance is bad for business

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actual budget/budget = variance%

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How do you calculate budget variance percentage?

Variance = 100*(Actual - Budget)/Budget

Favorable materials quanity variance?

In cost accounting, a variance is the difference between what we expected to happen (what we planned for when we created the budget) and what actually happened. If we produce more units from a given quantity of raw material than we expected to produce when we set up the budget, we have a favorable materials quantity variance, because we produced the goods more efficiently than we had planned for. We have used the raw materials with less waste than expected.

How to calculate the Budget variance percentage?

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What is a budget variance?

A budget "variance" is the difference between planned and actual performance.