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A triangle can either have no right angles or it can have 1 (in which case it is a right angle triangle).

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Q: What is fewest number of right angles a triangle can have?
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What is the fewer number of right angles a triangle have?

The fewest number of right angles in a triangle is zero.

What is the fewest number of the right angles a triangle can have?

Zero. An equilateral triangle, for example, has no right angles.

Number of obtuse angles in a right triangle?

There are no obtuse angles in a right triangle. A right triangle consists of one right angle and two acute angles.

What is the fewest number of right angles a traingle can have?

Zero, or, if it has to have one, one.

What is the number of obtuse angles in a right triangle?

the number of obtuse angle in a right triangle is zer0

What is the greatest number of acute angles right triangle can contain?

Two. Two acute angles in a right triangle.

Does A Triangle Have A Number Of Right Angles?

A triangle can have at most one right angle.

Number of right angles in a triangle?

0 or 1. A right triangle has one right angle. All other triangles have zero right angles.

What is the greatest number of obtuse angles in a right triangle?

0. A right triangle, by definition, will never include any obtuse angles.

In spherical geometry which indicates the possible number of right angles a triangle may have?

All three interior angles of a spherical triangle may be right angles.

How many number of right angles does triangle have?

Depends on the type of triangle. A right-angled triangle has ONE right angle - the remaining two angles total 90 degrees.

What is the fewst number of right angles a triangle can have?
