

What is field quantity?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: What is field quantity?
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Is magnetic field a scalar or density quantity?

A magnetic field is neither: it is a vector field with both direction and quantity.

Is field vector quantity?


Is gravitational field a vector quantity?

Yes, the gravitational field is a vector quantity. It has both magnitude (strength) and direction, which are important in determining the effect of gravity on objects within the field.

Voltage is a vector quantity or scaler quantity?

Scaler. Its vector counterpart is the electric field.

Can electric field intensity be a scalar quantity?

No,because electric field (force/charge) is a vector quantity, i.e. , it has both magnitude as well as direction.

What is the square root of a football field?

(a football field)0.5 A football field is not a number or a quantity and so cannot have a square root. The length of a football field can have a square root, its width can, its area can, but it cannot.(a football field)0.5 A football field is not a number or a quantity and so cannot have a square root. The length of a football field can have a square root, its width can, its area can, but it cannot.(a football field)0.5 A football field is not a number or a quantity and so cannot have a square root. The length of a football field can have a square root, its width can, its area can, but it cannot.(a football field)0.5 A football field is not a number or a quantity and so cannot have a square root. The length of a football field can have a square root, its width can, its area can, but it cannot.

Is electric field scalar or vector quantity?

Electric field is a vector quantity, as it has both magnitude and direction. The direction of the electric field at a point is the direction of the force that a positive test charge would experience if placed at that point.

Electrostatic potential is a Scalar Quantity or Vector Quantity?

Electrostatic potential is a scalar quantity. It represents the potential energy per unit charge at a given point in an electric field.

Is magnetic field line scalar or vector quantity?


Why is a electric field considered a vector quantity?

bcoz it has driectionand maganitude

What are electric field considered a vector quantity?

Simply explained, it has directionality.

Is an electric field a potential field?

Yes, an electric field is a potential field. This means that the electric field can be derived from a scalar potential function. It is a conservative field, meaning that the work done by the field on a particle moving along a closed path is zero.