1, 4 and 9
use your calculator!!! hahahaha.16 squared= 16x16= 256256 times 15=3840
Fifteen thousand, fifteen hundred, and fifteen dollars can be written numerically as $15,515. This is because fifteen thousand is written as 15,000, fifteen hundred is written as 1,500, and fifteen is written as 15. When you add these numbers together, you get a total of 15,000 + 1,500 + 15 = 15,515.
9x squared-15x squared = -6
x = 1
Ten squared times fifteen is fifteen hundred.
1, 4 and 9
use your calculator!!! hahahaha.16 squared= 16x16= 256256 times 15=3840
480.5 yards squared.
(X minus the cube root of fifteen) times (x squared plus the cube root of fifteen plus fifteen to the two thirds power)
he made the theorem C squared = A squared + B squared and A squared = C squared - B squared or B squared = C squared - A squared
Fifteen feet is fifteen feet long.
Fifteen thousand, fifteen hundred, and fifteen dollars can be written numerically as $15,515. This is because fifteen thousand is written as 15,000, fifteen hundred is written as 1,500, and fifteen is written as 15. When you add these numbers together, you get a total of 15,000 + 1,500 + 15 = 15,515.
9x squared-15x squared = -6
2 squared X 3 squared = 5 squared