fifty billion dollars
Fifty million and 00/100 dollars
$52,000.00 $250.00 $52,250.00
Two hundred fifty pounds = 17.86 stone
Fifty-eight thousand, seven hundred and fifty-two dollars
fifty dollars today == 30.8 british pounds
Today, Jan 4th 2016, fifty U.S. dollars is worth 34 British pounds.
It would be equal to: $72,603 US dollars.
3.5 million dollars
$1185076.13 US Dollars as at 27th February
50% of fifty pounds is 25 pounds.
Seven hundred and fifty-seven million one hundred and fifty-two thousand four hundred and ninety-seven dollars and eighty-six cents. Or, numerically, $757,152,497.86
Seven hundred and fifty-seven million one hundred and fifty-two thousand four hundred and ninety-seven dollars and eighty-six cents. Or, numerically, $757,152,497.86
as at 18th. July £750.00 is equal to 1.226.09 USD
As of today's date, 950 000 British pounds = 1.55325 million U.S. dollars
It would help answer this question f you mentioned which countries' pounds and dollars you meant. Without that information there is no way to give an answer.