50 to the 3rd power is the same as 50 x 50 x 50=? try to figure it out.(i know what it is. That is the same with anything because power (1st, 2nd , or 3rd, ect.) is that number times itself how ever many powers. keep that in mind.
Well, darling, two thirds of fifty one is thirty-four. Simple math, really. Just divide fifty one by three, and then multiply by two. Voila!
Yes it is.
16 and two thirds.
for example 2 to the power of two thirds, you have to find the percent of two thirds , then use the percent [to the power] then mutipy to the power [like with exponets] then you should get your answer.
2/3 x 54 = 36
Two raised to the fifth power is 32.
2/3 of 50,000 is 33,333 1/3
Two raised to the seventh power is 128.