Three thousand fourteen and five thousandths written in standard form is 3014.005
Ten million fourteen thousand seventy in standard form = 1.001407 × 107
Fifty-thousand and eleven (50,011) in standard form = 5.0011 × 104
Seven hundred fifty-six thousand (756,000*) in standard form = 7.56 × 105*this is the standard notation
The standard form is 57,000.07
The standard form is expressed as 6,054,014
Fourteen million seven thousand two (14,007,002) in standard form = 1.4007002 × 107
Three thousand fourteen and five thousandths written in standard form is 3014.005
Ten million fourteen thousand seventy in standard form = 1.001407 × 107
Fifty-thousand and eleven (50,011) in standard form = 5.0011 × 104
Seven hundred fifty-six thousand (756,000*) in standard form = 7.56 × 105*this is the standard notation
The standard form is 57,000.07
three hundred million, fourteen thousand, fifty-six.
The standard form is 14,007,002