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Q: What is first term of a geometric series is 3 and the sum of the first term and the second term is 15 What is the sum of the first six terms?
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New series is created by adding corresponding terms of an arithmetic and geometric series If the third and sixth terms of the arithmetic and geometric series are 26 and 702 find for the new series S10?

It is 58465.

What is the difference between an arithmetic series and a geometric series?

An arithmetic series is the sequence of partial sums of an arithmetic sequence. That is, if A = {a, a+d, a+2d, ..., a+(n-1)d, ... } then the terms of the arithmetic series, S(n), are the sums of the first n terms and S(n) = n/2*[2a + (n-1)d]. Arithmetic series can never converge.A geometric series is the sequence of partial sums of a geometric sequence. That is, if G = {a, ar, ar^2, ..., ar^(n-1), ... } then the terms of the geometric series, T(n), are the sums of the first n terms and T(n) = a*(1 - r^n)/(1 - r). If |r| < 1 then T(n) tends to 1/(1 - r) as n tends to infinity.

What does summation of infinite series?

The summation of a geometric series to infinity is equal to a/1-rwhere a is equal to the first term and r is equal to the common difference between the terms.

What is the formula for the geometric progression with the first 3 terms 4 2 1?

The nth term of the series is [ 4/2(n-1) ].

What does an equal in geometric series?

Geometric series may be defined in terms of the common ratio, r, and either the zeroth term, a(0), or the first term, a(1).Accordingly,a(n) = a(0) * r^n ora(n) = a(1) * r^(n-1)

The sum to three terms of geometric series is 9 and its sum to infinity is 8. What could you deduce about the common ratio. Why. Find the first term and common ratio?

The geometric sequence with three terms with a sum of nine and the sum to infinity of 8 is -9,-18, and 36. The first term is -9 and the common ratio is -2.

How do you spell secent?

The word for a time interval (or number after first) is "second".The geometric terms related to angles are the secant and cosecant.

A geometric progression has a common ratio -1/2 and the sum of its first 3 terms is 18. Find the sum to infinity?

The sum to infinity of a geometric series is given by the formula Sāˆž=a1/(1-r), where a1 is the first term in the series and r is found by dividing any term by the term immediately before it.

What are the answers for Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences gizmo?

Arithmetic : (First term)(last term)(act of terms)/2 Geometric : (first term)(total terms)+common ratio to the power of (1+2+...+(total terms-1))

What are some geometric terms that begin with letter R?

Right angle and rectangle are geometric terms.

What is the first 5 terms of the geometric sequence a14r3?

They are 14, 42, 126, 378 and 1134.

What is the common ratio of the geometric sequence whose second and fourth terms are 6 and 54 respectively?

It could be -3 or +3.