45/5 = 9, a whole number, because 45 divided by 5 is 9.
To express 4 fifths as a whole number, you need to divide the numerator (4) by the denominator (5). This division results in 0.8, which is a decimal. To convert this decimal to a whole number, you can multiply by 100 to get 80. Therefore, 4 fifths as a whole number is 80.
18/5 = three and three fifths (3 3/5)
To find out how many fifths are in two and two-fifths, we first need to convert the whole number, two, into fifths. Since one whole is equal to five fifths, two wholes would be equal to ten fifths. Adding the two-fifths gives us a total of twelve fifths in two and two-fifths.
There are five fifths in one whole. In fractions, a fifth represents one part out of five equal parts. Therefore, when you have five fifths combined, you have a whole unit.
There are five fifths in a whole.Think about it this way:Divide an apple into five equal parts.Each part is one fifth of the whole apple.There are five fifths in one whole. This whole can be an apple, an pear, actually anything, even numbers.1/5 is one fifth.Its decimal representation is : 0.20.2 multiply by 5 and you get 1, one whole number one.A fifth is a fraction of a whole number and is written as 1/5.Therefore 1/5+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/5= 5/5 or five fifths which is one whole number.Or said differently, 5/5 equals 1.
There are five fifths in one whole.
45/5 = 9, a whole number, because 45 divided by 5 is 9.
five 5.
Three Fifths is not a whole number it's only 60% of a whole.
To express 4 fifths as a whole number, you need to divide the numerator (4) by the denominator (5). This division results in 0.8, which is a decimal. To convert this decimal to a whole number, you can multiply by 100 to get 80. Therefore, 4 fifths as a whole number is 80.
Three-fifths is a fraction and there is no sensible way to represent it as a whole number. The whole part of it is 0.
18/5 = three and three fifths (3 3/5)
there are five fifths in one whole