1 7/12 (one and seven-twelfths)
Five over six 5/6
Thirty-six million, four hundred and twenty-seven thousand, five hundred and eighty. Three six four two seven five eight zero.
Five hundred six thousand, seven hundred nine
3 over 7
1 7/12 (one and seven-twelfths)
4/7 + 5/6 = 1 17/42
Five over six 5/6
Seven six five, four five three two seven five.
The one with no two is Allah (God)The two with no three are the day and the nightThe three with no four are the Abraham three religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.The four with no five are the number of Raka't in the praying of noon, Asr, and Ishaa or the four holy books (Quran, Torah, the Bible, and the Psalms)The five with no six are the five day prayingThe six with no seven are the six days for earth creation by god, the Creatorthe seven with no eight are the seven heavens
10/12 + 9/12 = 19/12 = One and seven-twelfths.
Thirty-six million, four hundred and twenty-seven thousand, five hundred and eighty. Three six four two seven five eight zero.
Five hundred six thousand, seven hundred nine
Seven hundred eighty-six point four two eight five seven.
7/8. Count goes like this: ONE two THREE four FIVE six seven ONE two THREE four FIVE six seven