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Imperial BMI FormulaThe imperial bmi formula accepts weight measurements in pounds & height measurements in either inches or feet.

1 foot = 12 inches

inches² = inches * inchesTable: Imperial BMI FormulaBMI =

( lbs/inches² )(weight in pounds * 703 )------------height in inches²

Metric Imperial BMI FormulaThe metric bmi formula accepts weight measurements in kilograms & height measurements in either cm's or meters.

1 meter = 100cms

meters² = meters * metersTable: Metric BMI FormulaBMI =

( kg/m² )weight in kilograms------------height in meters²

Below 18.5Underweight18.5 -24.9Normal25 - 29.9Overweight30 & AboveObese

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Q: What is formula for calculating BMI in metric?
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Where does the 703 come from in BMI calculation?

If you use pounds in a BMI calculation, you must multiply the pounds by 703You can see the formula here: Oh, I read the question wrong, why is 703 used? They must have figured out BMI for metric first and then divided the metric BMI by the number they got using imperial units, which would be 703. Then just multiply 703 into their formula.

What is the formula for calculating BMI for weight loss?

Use your BMI or Body Mass Index. The equation is: BMI = 704 x weight (in lbs)/height in inches squared So, that's BMI = 704 times your weight in pounds, divided by your height in inches squared A healthy number is between 19 and 25.

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How do you get Body Mass Index?

For those who use metric units:To figure out your BMI, take your weight (in kilograms) and divide it by your height (in meters). Now take that number and divide it by your height again. Now you have your BMI!In a formula: BMI = weight (kg) / height^2(m)For those who use imperial units:To figure out your BMI, take your weight (in pounds) and divide it by your height (in inches). Now take that number and divide it by your height again. Once you have that answer, multiply that by 705, and you have your BMI!In a formula: BMI = 705 * weight (lb) / height^2 (in)

How can a patient's nutritional status be determined?

Calculating body mass index (BMI) according to a formula that divides height into weight and measuring skinfold thickness or the circumference of the upper arm.

What is my bmi 241lbs?

The formula is complex, but you can use an online bmi calculator.

What is the formula for bmi?

Mass (kg)----------------(height(in))2ORmass (lb)x703 ------------------(height(in))2ORmass (lb)x4.88 -------------------(height(ft))2

Should breast weight be subtracted from body weight for calculating BMI?

No. The women's BMI chart is adjusted to allow for a greater amount of subcutaneous fat as in the breasts.

How can you determine your body mass index?

For those who use metric units:To figure out your BMI, take your weight (in kilograms) and divide it by your height (in meters). Now take that number and divide it by your height again. Now you have your BMI!In a formula: BMI = weight (kg) / height^2(m)For those who use imperial units:To figure out your BMI, take your weight (in pounds) and divide it by your height (in inches). Now take that number and divide it by your height again. Once you have that answer, multiply that by 705, and you have your BMI!In a formula: BMI = 705 * weight (lb) / height^2 (in)

What scale is used to calculate bmi?

"A BMI scale is used to calculate BMI or Body Mass Index; additionally, a BMI chart, formula, or a standard BMI calculator may be used to calculate BMI or Body Mass Index as well."

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